We want to leave this world a better place than we found it.
At Revive IT, giving back is something we are more than passionate about. During the recent pandemic, we realized the unique position we were in, and were honored to serve those partners in health care and education, as well as so many other companies who had to suddenly reorganize their business models. We are heavily vested in several programs that focus on getting technology into lower-income housing. We provide technology and aid with training content. When you partner with Revive IT, you are directly impacting these programs! The electronics you refresh and the assets we manage for you ultimately end up translating into usable, quality, refurbished technology that is distributed throughout these programs.
Our People.
Our Community.
We are blessed to live where we live, work where we work and have the resources we have. ​ "Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more." ​ At Revive IT our focus is outward, not inward. We want to serve others with our time and resources. Whatever the need, we believe we have the capacity to impact the people in our communities for the better and lives can be transformed!
Our Environment.